Harnessing the Power of Crystals

Harnessing the Power of Crystals

Crystals are exquisite gifts from the Earth.  They have fascinated and captivated civilisations for centuries.  Beyond their dazzling beauty lies a deeper secret – the ability to harness energies that can promote healing, balance, and spiritual growth.  Utilising crystals for their healing properties is an ancient practice that has stood the test of time.  In this guide, we will delve into the ways you can use crystals to harness their energy and experience their transformative effects on your well-being.
Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan salt lamps have gained immense popularity for their beauty and health benefits. These lamps are carved from pink rock salt sourced from the Himalayan mountains, emitting a warm, soothing glow when lit.

But how do they work? The salt is hygroscopic, attracting moisture from the air. When heated by the lamp's bulb, it releases negative ions, countering the harmful positive ions from electronic devices.

Key benefits include air purification by reducing allergens and pollutants, stress reduction, improved mood, increased energy, and better sleep quality. They also add an elegant touch to any room.

Best Crystals for Money and Wealth

Best Crystals for Money and Wealth

Crystals have been used for centuries for their energetic properties and some people believe that certain crystals can help attract wealth and prosperity.

Here are five of the best crystals for wealth and how they can be used to help boost your financial situation. While crystals may not be the be all to end all, having some of these on you definitely can't hurt your cause!

  1. Jade
  2. Emerald
  3. Citrine
  4. Blue Tiger Eye
  5. Mookaite
Best Crystals for Study

Best Crystals for Study

With exams coming up for some students, we thought this would be a great time to discuss the best crystals to use to help with studying!

Crystals have been used for centuries for many different purposes so when it comes to studying, they can be particularly beneficial as they allow us to absorb information more easily and retain it for longer. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at four crystals that are said to be especially helpful for students:

  1. Hematite
  2. Honey Calcite
  3. Mangano Calcite
  4. Clear Quartz
The Benefits of Crystal Singing Bowls

The Benefits of Crystal Singing Bowls

Many cultures recognise the importance of sound as a form of healing. The Tibetans used bells, chimes, bowls and chanting, while the Australian Aboriginals and Native Americans used vocal toning. Crystal bowls are just another form of vibrational medicine which validates that everything in the Universe is in a state of vibration and the frequency at which an object most naturally vibrates is called “resonance”.
Best Crystals for Manifestation

Best Crystals for Manifestation

Crystals have been used for thousands of years for their healing and energetic properties. When it comes to manifestation, certain crystals are believed to have specific powers that can help you attract abundance, success, and positive change into your life.

We have chosen to take a closer look at five crystals that are considered some of the best to use for manifestation:

  • Hematite
  • Smokey quartz
  • Carnelian
  • Sunstone
  • Howlite
Moldavite - The Celestial Stone of Transformation and Awakening

Moldavite - The Celestial Stone of Transformation and Awakening

Moldavite is a rare and powerful crystal with unique metaphysical properties. It's a type of Tektite found in the Czech Republic. It is highly sought after, especially due to its connection to the Universe and high vibrational energy that can stimulate spiritual growth and clarity in life. It's also believed to have physical healing properties and offer protection against negative energy and psychic attack. Moreover, Moldavite is highly valued for its rarity and beauty.


The Ultimate Guide to Shungite:  Understanding its Benefits and Properties

The Ultimate Guide to Shungite: Understanding its Benefits and Properties

Shungite, a fascinating mineral found only in Russia, has gained popularity due to its unique electromagnetic and metaphysical properties. This carbon-rich rock is considered one of the most conductive minerals on Earth, and is believed to neutralize harmful environmental pollutants, including electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices.

All Welcome!

All Welcome!

When we are in our spirit form, we are in our highest frequency which is love. There is no comprehension of any negativity, fear or judgment. Regardless of what is...
Cleansing Your Home With A White Sage Smudge Stick

Cleansing Your Home With A White Sage Smudge Stick

White Sage is a sacred plant that has been used for many centuries. The art of “Smudging” with Sage is done to help drive out negative and stagnant energies from...
How to Cleanse Your Crystals

How to Cleanse Your Crystals

Crystals are like batteries – their energies will become depleted over time and feel a bit “flat”.  This is why we recommend that you cleanse your crystals every so often...
December 01, 2021 — Eternal